The Secret Survey

The Secret Survey

What men desperately want you to know but are terrified to tell you — a new, in-depth training program designed for women who are sick of screwing around, and are ready to finally learn the absolute truth about men

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll discover when you enroll in the Secret Survey Program…

You’ll learn why “Men Are Like Dogs and You’re a Bad Owner”

How to interpret “man speak”: the real reason men are so “hard to understand.” Plus I’ll teach you how to use “Projective Empathy” to know what’s going on in man’s head – even if he barely knows what he’s thinking himself.

Next you’ll learn “Why Men Lie To Women They Love”

I’ll teach you The 3 Reasons Men Lie To Women… and the simple conversational tricks you can use to cause any man to open up to you in 5 minutes flat…

…Even if he’s been locked up like Fort Knox for years.

Ever wonder why the man in your life just doesn’t compliment you or pursue you anymore?

I’ll show you how you may have accidentally “Emotionally Castrated” your man… and how to create a basis of incredible truth, honesty and communication in any relation-ship you get into

The biggest question women asked in the survey was “Does He Really Love Me?”

You’ll learn the straight and honest truth about how men really feel about the women in their lives and what he actually says about you when you’re not around.

This material is NOT for the faint of heart but will open your eyes forever to the emotional truth of men.

Why He Looks At Other Women

What it says about you and how he feels about you when he looks at and lusts after other women – even your friends…

Plus you’ll learn how to drag a “wandering eye” back to you with the power of an irresistible electromagnet

The Truth About Men and CHEATING

Why men cheat on women they truly do love. What goes on in men’s minds when they cheat. What it means about how he feels about you when he cheats, and exactly what to do to cheat-proof your relationship and keep your man faithful and focused on you without destroying the trust your relationship needs to survive.

In the “Reflected Glory” lesson I’ll give you a guided tour through a man’s mind…

…And tell you what he REALLY thinks about when he looks at you and what your appearance means to him.

Does he want you to be skinny like a supermodel? Does he care that you’ve gained a few pounds?

Using the survey results I’ll give you the absolute truth to every question and insecurity you’ve ever had about your appearance.

And finally we’ll talk about SEX

What men REALLY want in bed. Why most men would NEVER admit their deepest fantasies to a woman. How to have your man sexually obsessed with you… willing to try ANYTHING you want and thinking of you as his pin up fantasy girl even if you’re overweight or don’t like your body now

And those are just the main points of the program!

You’ll also learn…

The power of feminine vulnerability, and how to use “emotional judo” techniques to massively multiply his emotional desire for you. (Just learning this one trick could keep you and the man in your life from ever fighting again.)

Why “Trying to make your man happy” can KILL your relationship…

Emotional flooding: why men a petrified of women’s emotions and how to create a “safe harbor” where he can open up, even if he acts like a Vulcan now.

How to banish insecurity from your relationship forever and feel 100% loved, adored and taken care of by your man.

How to SEDUCE a man in shockingly little time.

How men decide if you’re “girlfriend material” or just someone they want to sleep with…

How to get a man to chase you again even if you’ve been together for years and years…

And much, much more than I can list out on this page.